Going to school for the very first time can be a daunting experience for your little one. This will be the first time they will be separated from you, be in a new environment and not have you around to tend to their needs. You are going to have a lot to do to prepare for when schools start. It will go a long way if you start preparing your child for first-time education. Children in Nigeria start preschool or kindergarten as young as two years, at least at this age they would have begun to speak a few words to express themselves. This guide will help you know what to expect as you prepare your child for school.
- Visit the school before the first day and take your child along with you. Let them get a feel of the school environment, take a tour of the classroom, and use the playground. Ask for a kindergarten-readiness checklist so you will use it to prepare them before school starts. This will make their first time with the teacher less scary. If possible, make your visit a few times before the first day to give your child a familiar feel of the faces he will be seeing and the things he will be doing. Some schools may not invite parents to visit or even hold orientation visits for the children. You need to take the initiative to see the school and ask for permission for a few return visits.
- Talk to your child about the first day of preschool or kindergarten. Help them understand why they will be away from you for a little while during the day. Talk about how you will get ready, how you will get there, what they will see and do, how the day will end and even what will happen when they get back home. Reading to your child will be a great way to start the conversation, especially books about going to school. You are your child's first teacher, don't let them be taken unawares and this conversation will build their confidence and eagerness to learn. Also, explain as best you can the classroom rules for kindergarten. If you know some children who are already in school, arrange with their parents for a playdate so that your child will already have some friends at school before the start of the term and you will also get to know their parents.
- Go shopping together for school supplies, and let them help you choose some of the items they like. The kindergarten-readiness checklist will guide you on what to purchase. The basic items are a backpack, exercise books, pencils, crayons and sandals or boots. You can also pick a few books that are not necessarily for school but will make an interesting read. School uniforms are usually paid for at the school and will be collected when the school resumes.
- Read to them frequently during the holidays, lots of picture books and story books that mimic funny sounds and faces. You are training their mind for what lies ahead and stoking their interest in books. Dedicated some space within reach for your child where you stack their books and encourage them to thumb through on their own. At this age, they enjoy looking at the pictures and having you read to them and you are also teaching your kindergarten to read.
- Prepare your child ahead for the changes that will occur in their routine. Let them go to bed earlier than they do and wake them earlier than previously. Your child needs at least 10 hours of sleep so work out the time they will go to bed and wake up for school to give them time for the needed rest. You can introduce this timetable about two weeks before when school starts so that both of you will get used to the new routine. Give them breakfast around the same time they will eat when school resumes and incorporate reading time in between their playtime. If you are a working mom, figure out some backup childcare also. The more you prepare, the less you will have to do when school resumes.
- Start preparing and trying out some healthy snacks and lunch ideas for your kids, especially the picky eaters. It will be fun to prepare them together and you will get to know what your child likes and you will also discover if your child has allergic reactions to some food items. If your child has some health issues like asthma, please inform the authorities so appropriate measures are put in place to help your child when the need arises.
- Arrange to drop your child off at school at least until the worst of the separation anxiety wears off. Some people may ask if it is normal for a child to cry on their first day at school. Yes, it is. Some may not cry but when they see other children crying, they will begin to cry too. Remember that they also take their cues from you, put a smile on your face despite the sinking feeling in your stomach, and hand them gently over to their teacher with a promise to come back for them.
- Pray. Your child is starting a new phase in life and you will not always be there with them and even if you are, you cannot protect them the way God can. Ask God to build a wall of protection over them, bring godly friends and teachers into their lives, that they will love to learn, that they will be loved and accepted wherever they go and they will be the best they were created to be.
Take some time to rest and also deal with your separation anxiety. They have hardly been away from you since birth and it is understandable if you feel a little scared, especially first-time moms. You should be proud too. Your baby will be taking a huge step soon, don't forget to enjoy the time you have with them before it is gone. Thank you for reading. Please share this post and follow us on Pinterest and Facebook.